Thursday, February 21, 2013

More testing!

I have been very busy with school and work so I havent had much of a chance to work on the RR unfortunately...

I have continued to test my first turnout and so far it is working great! I did run into some slight gage problems with varying wheel set types but that was easily taken care of with my Mark V and some extra spikes...all seems to be in order now:

I have also continued adding kadee couplers and 2 rail wheelsets to all of my equipment...thanks to my good friend Jim (PRRfreak) I should be able to get all of my equipment set up! This will be very cool now that we are up and running at COOSE!

Here are a couple shots of my sd50 with new couplers and a snow plow! I had to weather it because for some reason MTH thought that a blue plow would look good......

Thanks to photohio I was able to find more pictures of Columbus Coated Fabrics.  Information is hard to come by but I almost have enough to make a decent representation of the plant!

CCF 1937: