I got a lot accomplished on the RR this weekend and actually was able to start test running some trains. I completed my first handlaid turnout and I am pleased to say that it operates flawlessly! I have never seen a commercial turnout work anywhere near as smooth as this, definitely makes all of the hard work worth it!
Here's a shot of the turnout in the works:
Both point rails in testing the frog and the straight route:
My NS D8-40CW (An MTH model) on some fresh rail:
Turnout complete:
Added Caboose Hobbies Ground throws I am using HO scale throws as they are smaller (more to scale) and I have a lot of them:
I have been adding some extra bolt detail to the frog area of the turnout:
EX-CR passes an abandoned signal tower just North of Columbus. The turnout is aligned for the diverging route down the 2nd Ave. Industrial Lead.
Well...I finally got around to starting the layout! I havent gotten too far yet but I feel like I have made enough progress that is worth sharing. Unfortunatly my camera ran out of memory before I got to finish but I guess that will give me more to talk about next time.